.) An elementary treatise on advanced-guard out-post and detachment service of troops and the manner of posting and handling them in presence of an enemy. Intended as a supplement to the syst [Hardcover](Hardcover, Mahan D. H. (Dennis Hart) .)](https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/400/400/xif0q/book/e/h/d/an-elementary-treatise-on-advanced-guard-out-post-and-detachment-original-imagk5ggysqqp9sa.jpeg?q=90)
An elementary treatise on advanced-guard out-post and detachment service of troops and the manner of posting and handling them in presence of an enemy. Intended as a supplement to the syst [Hardcover](Hardcover, Mahan D. H. (Dennis Hart) .)
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